Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Couple of Teasers I did just for fun

A couple of teaser images using my new DAZ Studio 4.7 Lighting Rig. Hope ya'll like 'em.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

It's been awhile....!

Hi Gals and Guys,

It's been a very long time since I posted any updates, or anything else for that matter.

I have since my last post, moved from one state to another, changed jobs, moved into a new house and bought a new car......phew.

So, as you can imagine I have been very busy with real life and haven't had any time for my art.

But now I am ready and have a bit more time to devote to my passion.

Hopefully I will be able to re-ignite some of my old works and comics I have been promising to finish for ages. As well as some new art that are very much still a work in progress.

For those who have been waiting patiently, I thank you. They are are well under way and are coming very soon....I promise.

