Monday, April 14, 2014

Menus Under Construction

I am currently revamping this blog site. So the menus don't really work yet. You'll know when they do.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate HTML and CSS? Well I do!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Playing with Lali's Bits.....

Very first time I have used Erogenesis's "Lali's Bits" in DS

Impressive! Not that this particular image and pose showcase what Lali's Bits can do.....It was meant to be just a test.

Many thanks to Erogenesis...You rock Dude!! :)

Believe there will many more. I may even replace a particular comic character with this one...!

Everyone, meet Carrie.

Comics Now Back In Production

Hey all,

Well, after a major system meltdown I've finally gotten my system back up and running.

Production of all three comics has resumed, but I'm afraid it is going to be a bit slow going for a while and probably delayed for a month or so while I re-engineer all the scenes. Most of them were corrupted or disappeared altogether [so much for backups! Time Machine is not as good as Apple suggest!].
I will have to invest in another backup regime.

I ask you all to be patient, as I know you have been so far. They are coming! I promise!
